Circulated Sunday at, visit here, by San Marcos resident Brina Bujkobsky, the petition said:
“We, constituents of California’s 50th Congressional District, are petitioning our representative, Congressman Duncan D. Hunter , to hold a public Town Hall meeting as soon as possible.
The election of Donald Trump, along with his agenda, has caused concern and even alarm among many of us in the 50th Congressional District. Representative Hunter will be voting on issues of deep concern to citizens in the 50th District, including the fate of the Affordable Care Act, funding of women’s health, climate change issues, and privatization of Medicare.”
Hunter press spokesman Joe Kasper said through e-mail Monday afternoon when asked about plans for a town hall: “None on the schedule at this time, but he’ll look to do some sort of public events this year.”
A search of Hunter’s official website for “town hall” found mentions only of one “veterans” town hall meeting in May 2009 and of three “video” town hall meetings in 2009.
Many signing the Hunter town hall petition also gave their reasons as follows:
Reasons for Signing
See why other supporters are signing, why this petition is important to them, and share your reason for signing (this will mean a lot to the starter of the petition).
Maria de la Luz Reyes
18 minutes ago
I’m signing because Duncan Hunter does not provide enough forums for constituents to express their concerns. With the election of Trump we are concerned about the dismantling of our right and much needed programs v
Gary Bland
20 minutes ago
Duncan Hunter needs to keep his constituents advised of what is going on in the House of Representatives and what is his position on various issues.
Janelle Payne
46 minutes ago
My husband and I are neither R or D and I’m signing because I want Rep Hunter to represent all of 50th District. I want him to work with others and end the gridlock.
Judith Silverman
1 hour ago
I am troubled by the appearance of hostility to women’s issues from the new Trump administration. We fought and won our rights over 40 years ago. Why is this Republican administration now threatening to take away women’s healthcare and their right to choose. Why this War on Women’s issues from Republicans? Separation of Church and State was granted in the Constitution hundreds of years ago.
Why do republicans now think they can pass laws restricting women’s healthcare choices and issues?
Gregory Armstrong
2 hours ago
I’m signing because I want my MoC to answer questions about how he will vote on specific bill coming before the House of Representatives.
Laurie Richards
2 hours ago
I want to emphasize my concerns about the ACA, immigration, civil rights, and any other issues affecting California.
Saige Byun
2 hours ago
To voice what is important to me, his constituate.
2 hours ago
Many people depend on the ACA for their health care.
Sarah Kirk
2 hours ago
I want my representative to represent me.
Patrick Malloy
2 hours ago
Since the office you hold has 100 days in DC, I’m sure you can find time to hold a Town Hall format meeting. I would suggest 6 a year, so that the entire 50th, from Temecula to Jamul and San Marcos to Borrego Springs, gets dialouge with our Representative.
Benjamin Magante III
3 hours ago
Duncan Hunter should be listening to the concerns of his constituents rather then fulfilling his partisan desires.
Niki McGinnis
4 hours ago
I care and I vote. I’m deeply concerned about where my country is headed.
James Nielsen
4 hours ago
Duncan Hunter is our Representative and we want him to address our concerns on Infrastructure. Roads in the 50th need immediate attention.
Coletta Boone
4 hours ago
I do not feel Mr. Hunter has any care for the issues that are important to my community. Through the Gerrymandering of the districts he represents east count San Diego and Temecula that have very different interests. I have questions that I would like answered about his enthusiastic support of many of the Trump Administration policies.
Consuelo Martinez
5 hours ago
I’m in your district and want you to come to North County (Escondido) to meet with your constituents. Town hall meeting in the evening. Senator Joel Andersin did this a year or so ago.
Randee Griffin
5 hours ago
This is an important issue!
Christine Pemberton
5 hours ago
I am in support for f him he’s doing a trash an hall meeting so we can discuss issues facing California.
Linda Eskin
5 hours ago
I am a constituent, and I am concerned about your actions as my representative.
Gail Poynter
6 hours ago
I want all people to be equal under the law. I want all people to have access to affordable health care, clean air, and a good education. I want our poor and our elderly to be cared for.
6 hours ago
I want to make sure my voice is heard
Augie Augusto
6 hours ago
It’s time for Rep Hunter meet all of the the people he represents, including the ones who wish to state their positions on the issues.
Teal Turner Young
6 hours ago
I have a lot of questions for him. And a little lesson about art to teach him. Politely. Ever so politely.
C. Kutilek
6 hours ago
I want to know what Rep. Hunter plans to do to assure affordable healthcare for ALL of his constituents.
shawnee mclemore
7 hours ago
You ,Rep Hunter, are a representative of the people ,as such you should make yourself available to them , especially in times of crisis, such as this
Janice Schattman
7 hours ago
Our representive should be available to his constituents to explain the issues and why he is voting as he is and hear our concerns face to face.
Chrissa Chase
7 hours ago
It’s time to be mindful all people of your district. Pendulum politics need to stop and the only way to accomplish that is to reel your views into the center so we can all get along and fix problems instead of creating more. Ratcheting up the military in lieu of cyber warfare is not cost effective nor prescient. Time to change the monologue to a dialogue.
Karen Kalisek
7 hours ago
I have many concerns that I would like you to discuss. The Adordable Care Act, medical cost, fine arts, the wall, and Women’s Rights are topics that need to be reviewed. Additionally important are immigrantion and educatin.
7 hours ago
I completely disagree with his platform, he is unresponsive, unethical and does not listen to the needs of his constituents.
Lavonna Reeves
8 hours ago
I’m signing because I believe our representative is meant to represent his constituency on ACA, women’s health including funding for Planned Parenthood, and climate change and thus far has not.
Vic Mackenzie
8 hours ago
We need to address problems
Peter Attardo
8 hours ago
I need to know what my representative is doing to be worthy of my vote . Do we have the same values and beliefs of what is beneficial for the district and the country ?
Christine Phillips
8 hours ago
I think we should be able to ask Duncan Hunter questions in person and get answers!
Joya LaRock-Swofford
9 hours ago
I would love to meet my congressman and have the opportunity to ask him some questions. Thank you.
Jeff Hedgecock
9 hours ago
It is your obligation and your sworn duty to represent the entire district, regardless of party affiliation.
Tracey Stephens
9 hours ago
I am a constituent who wants to be heard and whose views should be considered by my representative. I want to know that Mr. Hunter will vote according to a moral compass and not just his party line.
Diana Fink
9 hours ago
He should be working for us.
Kit-Bacon Gressitt
9 hours ago
Because I’d like to meet my representative and ask him a few things.
Jennifer waldron
9 hours ago
I am new to your district and want to know the reasons behind your votes and want to make sure you represent all of us, not just the ones that think like you do.
Mark Mervich
9 hours ago
Congressman Hunter, you are in a position to make a great difference for the people of your district and America, or not. Please stand with Us.
Darlene Cleary
10 hours ago
Duncan Hunter needs in-depth and persistent investigation into his ethics.
Amy Riviere
19 hours ago
Our Congressperson needs to explain to his constituents how repealing ACA will impact our healthcare. If they intend to replace it, why repeal it at all?
Hunter needs to explain his actions and keep in touch with people in the 50th. A meeting with him would be worth standing in line to see.
There are so many issues it is difficult to focus on just one. It seems Escondido has been put out of the loop. The most concerning ACA, giving or selling of federal lands in California, Muslim ban, round up of people to deport. Disregard of the Constitution. Disrespect of the media.
I believe Congressman Duncan Hunter will be hosting a Town Hall Meeting this Saturday, March 11, at 10am at the Ramona Main Stage.
WE THE PPL need to be heard.