Duncan Hunter defends Donald Trump

Two faces of Donald Trump and Duncan Hunter/File

“You’re going to see more members of Congress come out of the Donald Trump closet on this to be sure.”

— Duncan Hunter to Greta Van Susteren, February 2016

So, you want to vote for Duncan Hunter in California’s 50th Congressional District versus Patrick Malloy.

Hunter was the second member of Congress to endorse Donald Trump for president and is co-chair of Trump’s congressional election committee.

In his own words, Hunter poses as a Trump surrogate:

1. Duncan Hunter, Aug. 9, 2016.

“You’re treating Donald Trump’s words like he is the most articulate person who’s ever graced our ears with his words, and that’s not true. He is not a politician,” Hunter told CNN host Wolf Blitzer. “He is not a person like you who’s very articulate, very well-spoken. He’s a businessperson who’s running for president.”


2. Duncan Hunter tells ‘On the Record’ why he has endorsed Donald Trump and why he believes ‘The Donald’ is the leader the nation needs. Feb. 24, 2016.

3. Rep. Duncan Hunter: There’s no reason for Trump to change. May 12, 2016.

4. Rep. Duncan Hunter on shoring up support for Trump. June 9, 2016.

5. Duncan Hunter: People Voting For Trump ARE the Republican Party. March 2, 2016.


“It is only right for Duncan Hunter promptly to rescind his endorsement of Trump given that Hunter was the first congressman to endorse Trump.  Hunter should, then, also be one of the first to denounce Trump’s vile language about women; but I am afraid Hunter may have too much to hide about his own relationships with women given that he has been voted ‘party animal’ of the year twice by Capitol Hill staffers.  This situation is intolerable—and not just for women in America.

— Patrick Malloy, 50th Congressional District Candidate.

For more, visit: http://patrickmalloyforcongress.com.

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