This issue has caused us to endorse several candidates for local office, candidates who haven’t sold their souls to the National Rifle Association and facilitated criminals’ ability to get guns due to the false pretense of supporting the Second Amendment right to gun ownership while ignoring the deaths and violence resulting from gun policies gone wild.
Candidates endorsed by The Grapevine include: Olga Diaz for reelection to Escondido City Council District 3, Ingrid Rainey for election to Escondido City Council District 4, and Cesar Serrano for Escondido Union High School District Trustee Area 4.
These candidates favor sensible gun policies and haven’t been endorsed by shadowy gun advocacy groups like their opponents.
No doubt, many voters might say why should we care what positions candidates for local offices take on sensible gun laws. We’ve said the same thing actually.
However, recent actions have brought to light the importance of generating support at the grass roots level for better, sensible gun policies.
They’re epitomized by the attempt of a shadowy group calling itself The San Diego County Gun Owners (SDCGO), a political action committee that has trotted out local candidates “vying for seats in North County inland-area city and school board election races in November” that it supports.
The fact that these gun lobby-endorsed candidates has brought into play a fancy shmancy public relations agency and group photos and gatherings for their candidates is kind of like the squirrels pop, pop, popping out of their burrows around Grape Day Park. Thanks for showing us your gun nuts in plain daylight.
To be fair, we don’t know precisely who has contributed to the San Diego County Gun Owners PAC. California Secretary of State Alex Padilla’s office lists the group as a PAC, but says “no contributions received found” when SDCGO is searched on the official government database. The group hasn’t reported who funds it and how much money they’re giving their flunkies; sorry, candidates.
The good news here is the candidates who proudly shot up from their squirrel holes in the ground to bring gun play into the local elections discussion have self-identified as people who need to be defeated on Nov. 8.
Rick Griffin is the public relations professional who recently circulated the SDGCO endorsement announcement, news release and group photo, all emblazoned with an avatar of what appears to be a gun straddling a faintly patriotic symbol of a red-and-blue star.
Actually, Griffin is a great guy and awesome PR agent. He just has picked the wrong group to publicize for the wrong reasons. Of course, he’s generally a paid hand, so who knows whether he believes in these gun lobby candidates.
“It is crucial that voters elect candidates who will defend the rights of law-abiding citizens, stand strong in support of the Second Amendment and oppose senseless gun control laws,” said Michael Schwartz, executive director, SDCGO in the news release Griffin circulated a few days ago.
“We take seriously these recommended endorsements,” Schwartz said. “We are proud to support local candidates who will uphold the Second Amendment and the rights of gun owners, oppose all attempts to infringe on the rights of the people to keep and bear arms and advocate enforcement of existing laws against violent offenders to reduce crime.”
Schwartz said each candidate was interviewed in person and research was completed on their voting record, as well as their public comments and character.
“By educating voters on which local candidates value rights, we are giving San Diegans the opportunity to help get the right people elected,” Schwartz said. “We are creating positive change.”
There you go, consensus, for we heartily agree voters should be educated. People should know who the gun lobby backs in its attempt to circumvent the 90 percent of Americans who favor sensible gun control — and that actually includes many NRA members. People should know which local politicians are being bought and sold by the gun lobby while our fellow citizens are struck down by guns and ammo that are too easily obtained by those who would do harm.
Legitimate gun ownership is fine. The Second Amendment is problematical but it is the law of the land. However, any candidate who believes that the most important issue is opposing sensible gun laws must not be allowed to legislate and hold power. That’s how we the people can take back our country from gun toting fanatics and criminals.
For the record, “SDCGO is endorsing the following: Michael Morasco, reelection to Escondido City Council, District 4; Joe Garcia, Escondido City Council, District 3; Dane White, Escondido Union High School District.”
That means these three candidates are pariahs.
Marie Waldron, GOP assemblywoman for Escondido, also should be on the list. She has spoken at SDCGO events and opposed the sensible gun control measures signed into law earlier this year by Gov. Jerry Brown including Senate Bill 1446, a bill that outlaws high-capacity magazines holding more than 10 rounds. He later signed Assembly Bill 857 to restrict homemade guns.
Waldron also opposes Proposition 63, a gun and ammunition control ballot measure championed by Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom.
Who to support, then. We repeat:
Candidates endorsed by The Grapevine include: Olga Diaz for reelection to Escondido City Council District 3, Ingrid Rainey for election to Escondido City Council District 4, and Cesar Serrano for Escondido Union High School District Trustee Area 4.
These people aren’t beholden to the gun lobby and will fight for you, Escondido. Support them to keep our streets safe from over-the-top gun violence.
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