Modest proposal: Support The Grapevine

The Escondido Grapevine website has proven successful, reaching 500 to 6,000 visitors daily, and gaining national recognition for quality and direction. Now, it’s time to do more, but that takes community sponsorship.

Sponsorship ads can be successful on many levels. Sponsors receive maximum and positive community exposure, reaching local residents in the most popular and credible online format available today. Aside from getting out the word about whatever they do, sponsors also help the community by allowing local, independent journalism to persevere, expand and do even more.

The website is one of the best and most successful in the nation with total impact far more significant than any other news site in North County aside from the UT. People go to site daily and talk about it. It’s local and responsive, owned and operated by journalists, not corporations or commercial information brokers.

The Grapevine also is now a member of LION, Local Independent Newspapers Publishers, the national credentialing group with the top 130 local, independent sites in the US and Canada. It’s the only local site granted that prestigious designation.

Start spreading the news.

Start spreading the news.

Sponsorship placements starting with the 5th position on the home and global sidebars. Classy display ads with links will run down the page with the newest on top and also on a special ads page. These are perfect branding placements providing real-time reminders for the community of activities and identity

Introductory ads will be $100 per month for either home page or global pages, $150 for both per month; and $250 for either for three months; total package of $400 for three months for both. This offer is available for a limited time.

Sign up for a package today or tell us if there is something else you have in mind. We can send over a contract and start immediately.

Email for more information.

Grapevine coverage area (partial).

Grapevine coverage area (partial).

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