Malloy to Hunter in 50th Dist: It’s on!

Patrick Malloy campaigns at the Vista Bernie rally in May.

“Hunter has only praise for Trump and silence about Trump’s disgraceful statements. Silence is compliance.”

— Patrick Malloy, Democrat for 50th Congressional District

While challenging 50th Congressional District opponent Duncan Hunter for his very vocal surrogate support of Donald Trump, political newcomer Patrick Malloy also challenged Hunter to a debate.

“Duncan Hunter, a a surrogate and prominent member of Donald Trump’s campaign, has repeatedly slammed and dishonored veterans, women, minorities, and the disabled in his own congressional district,” Malloy said. “Trump and Hunter are joined at the hip.”

In a letter to the Republican National Committee (RNC) this week, 100 Republicans pulled their support for Trump and urged the RNC to do the same, according to Malloy. Yet, during this same week, Politico, an online news source, carried an article written by Hunter wholeheartedly supporting Trump’s candidacy, Malloy added.

“Hunter, as Trump’s surrogate, then has attacked: Gold Star families of soldiers who have died serving their country, mocked disabled veterans among others who are disabled, and spoke in disgraceful ways about minorities and women,” Malloy said.

Malloy also hit Hunter hard on two inquiries recently launched by the Federal election Commission into Hunter’s use of campaign funds for personal expenses, expressly forbidden by ethics codes.

Malloy said Hunter “needs to explain why he uses his campaign financing fund as a personal ATM account: paying for video games; jewelry and travel in Italy; pricy private school lunches for his kids; expenses at Disneyland, Legoland, and Sea World; and vacations at a Hawaiian resort. This is either sloppy or corrupt.”

Asking for two debates, Malloy said the first should be on veterans’ issues and the second on the economy and the environment because these issues were of top concern to 50th District voters.

Malloy asked for Hunter’s response by Labor Day and expects a positive response given that Congress will be in recess in September and October.

“The District deserves debates given a deeply divided America—an America that needs sharper clarifications and conversations than the 30 second TV ads or 140 character tweets will give us,” Malloy said.

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  1. Democrats Step Up Pursuit of House Republicans Left Limping by Donald Trump

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