Culture Report: A Ship in the Woods Anchors at Escondido

A Ship in the Woods is in there somewhere, 3007 Felicita Rd., just south of Felicita Park.

A Ship in the Woods has quickly made a name for itself as one of the most exciting new arts ventures in the San Diego region.

The nonprofit arts organization was formerly located in a rented home in Del Mar. The group drew big crowds to its exhibitions that often combined art, music and science. A few years ago, though, the owners of the property decided to demolish the house, leaving A Ship in the Woods scrambling to find a new location.

It took months, but the group eventually landed in a house that borders Felicita County Park in Escondido. It purchased the property this time, so the new house and surrounding two acres of land will act as a venue for experimental art and music for the foreseeable future.

Lianne Thompson Mueller, A Ship in the Woods curator and one of its co-executive directors, said the group is opening the new space this Saturday with a bang. The group has lined up a multimedia showcase that will feature works by 26 artists.

While folks can expect to see some traditional paintings and sculptures inside the house, a handful of artists in the show are creating site-specific interactive installations in the woods surrounding the home. Much of the property will be put to use at the show – there will even be a synchronized swimming performance in the pool by a group called San Dieguito Synchro at 6 p.m.

Mueller said the goal of the space is to encourage a cross-pollination of disciplines by cultivating relationships between artists, scientists, historians, politicians and other community members.

“We think of ourselves as a vessel for culture capital,” Mueller said. “Basically, we just hope the shows encourage creative thinkers to have a dialogue and make connections.”

A Ship in the Woods’ opening show will be up for a month and available for viewing by appointment.

Mueller said she didn’t want to divulge too many details about what people will see as they wander through the wooded paths surrounding the house. She did say that a group called The League of Imaginary Scientists will be doing an audience-participation piece that involves pill bugs and a piano, and artist Wendell Kling will be doing an interactive outdoor performance based on the idea of making celebratory toasts.

“There’s definitely going to be a sense of exploration here,” she said.

Written by Kinsee Morlan

Kinsee Morlan is the Engagement Editor at Voice of San Diego and author of the Culture Report. Contact her directly at Follow her on Facebook or Twitter. Subscribe to her podcast. (By arrangement, The Grapevine reprints selected stories from the non-profit Voice of San Diego.)

1 Comment on "Culture Report: A Ship in the Woods Anchors at Escondido"

  1. Hope they got County of San Diego permits for this. This is a quiet semi- rural area. The neighbors did not expect city living when they bought their homes. Expect push back if the crowds and noise infringe upon neighboring properties.

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