Entry forms are due May 15 for the Ocean Art Contest in celebration of World Ocean’ Day on Wednesday, June 8. They are available at http://stoneandglass.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/ocean-art-entry-form.pdf.
One idea will be chosen and executed by the world famous Stone & Glass team led by the eminent James Stone, master glass artist.
The contest winner’s family will be invited to the studio to watch and direct the team as it transforms their art into glass. One piece will go home with the family while the companion piece may be sold or auctioned at the World Oceans Day event.
Entering is easy, Create a drawing or painting, complete the entry form, send or bring both to the Stone & Glass studio at 1285 Simpson Way, Escondido, 92029. Gallery hours are 1 p.m. to 6 p.m, Thursday to Saturday. Or email the submission package to info@stoneandglass.com.
World Oceans Day
Speaking of which, Stone & Glass celebrates the international day to honor and help the world’s oceans with an art show and reception from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. June 8.
The event will benefit San Diego Coastkeeper, a local group [protecting and restoring fishable, swimmable and drinkable waters in San Diego County. The San Diego group is a member of the California Coastkeeper Alliance and International Waterkeeper Alliance headed by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Local Coastkeeper leaders will be in hand for the event.
“We will, of course, feature ocean-related art — even more-so for the month of June including a retrospective of James Stone ’s Sea Life,” Stone & Glass business manager Carol Rogers, also Stone’s spouse, said. “Our glass blowing team will demonstrate both hot glass and sculpture on the torch throughout the evening,”
World Oceans Day is a global day of ocean celebration and collaboration for a better future. People all over the blue planet this year will celebrate under the theme of “Healthy oceans, healthy planet.”
Organizations and individuals along with Stone & Glass are promoting prevention of plastic ocean pollution with events in their communities, special announcements and everything in between.
The international event was launched in 2003 and has been growing rapidly ever since. The United Nations officially recognized June 8 as World Oceans Day in 2008.
For more about Stone & Glass events, classes and art, call (760) 294-7447 or visit www.stoneandglass.com.
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